Thursday 21 February 2013

Garden Warriors love Garden Art Days!

February has been HOT & DRY
No garden watering roster was required over the summer break but now our garden needs water every day!
This hot circle of marigolds pretty much symbolises our February sun!

 When word gets around the lunchtime playground that there is an art session in the Garden...
...Garden Warriors swarm!
Stained glass flower windows had Garden Warriors abuzz this Wednesday...
 ...excited Garden Warriors swarmed all over our parched garden alighting on any brightly coloured flower they could...
 Brightly coloured petals and flowers were artfully arranged onto waxed paper...
 ...boys were Buzie concentrating on design & beating the pesky breeze with innovative carefully placed stones...
 ...helpers were assisting with grating crayons for extra colour...
 ...and the Que to visit the Queen bee with her iron to melt & seal all the precious designs did not let up all session...
 ...artfully arranged petals and flowers were sealed together with a pinch of fairy dust and shavings of wax crayons...
...these Garden Masterpieces are going to glow with colour from dining room windows all around town!
That was a really fun and colourful Garden session Garden Warriors, we may have to do this again!


  1. looks great, next time you could cut up some of your wax paper and make bunting for a special event or occasion, perhaps a garden party!

  2. What a GREAT idea, this activity was so popular we will definitely be doing it again, especaily as one of our loveliest Garden Facilitators iron is nolonger any good for the shirts!
