Saturday 20 April 2013

Summer Salsa

In mid December we planted tomato and Corn seedlings
We took inspiration from the Ancient Inca's of South America ...and used their 3 sister's planting style of beans climbing golden corn, with our pumpkins at the base.
The final week of March saw our corn and tomatoes ready for harvest...there was really only one way to serve and eat them...salsa style!
We hope you enjoy our video as much as we enjoyed eating our salsa!


  1. Awesome!! The salsa (and plates) looked dee-lish! Rock on Westport garden warriors.... may this experience of gardening at your school carry on into your life out of school too... home, university, adult life. Yay!
    Garden greenie central otago.

  2. Thank you Garden Greenie, keep checking in to our blog as we launch a home garden competition today, to help get the fresh vegetables and herbs into every back yard!
