Thursday 22 August 2013

Tui School Challenge Time!

Its Tui School Challenge time again Darth. How do you propose to defend our title of Primary School Category Winners?
"In an outdoor Classroom the Force will grow VERY strong!"
Over the last 12 months that we have developed our Garden, the Garden Warriors have really embraced all aspects of garden to table. This year we wish to continue to build on this theme, by developing the Garden area further into a multifunctional outdoor class room space. The learning opportunities in this space are infinite...
  • This spring and summer we have plans afoot to add, and develop a basic outdoor kitchen, with the addition to the garden of an old coal range, a salvaged sink and outdoor tables.
  • With the addition of our fabulous Duratuf Garden shed, we are now in the position to convert one original pool changing shed over to a propagating house. This will be easily achieved with a couple of sheets of clearlite purchased with our prize winnings.
  • To help the Garden Warriors establish their growing and eating habits at home, we are launching a home garden competition with a fabulous Tui prize pack to the most innovative and flourishing home garden as judged by our guest judges.
  • WE have also had an area outside the pool flipped in preparation of planting a small school orchard.
Should be fun!

 The orchard area flipped and ready for raking. The ground here was very much water logged so a digger has flipped the ground to mix the soil layers for better drainage.
 Money raised from our Pumpkin guessing competition, and seed bombs has covered the digger hire. 
 Our Garden Warriors got stuck right in...
 ...picking up river stones...
 ...digging for treasure
 ...and sure enough antique medicine bottles were found and researched (and now on display in the foyer)
 ...our orchard area became an archaeological treasure trove, with pieces of broken china, Westport clay bricks, bottle tops, shoe heels and many other wonders to be found!
 While our garden beds came through the winter well, it was time to sow some more summery seeds. Seed size and shape provoked some thoughtful conversations
 Trays were prepared...
 ...seeds shared out...
 ...labelled and carefully watered.
 Then it was time for a little seed bombing in our own garden...
 ...what colourful surprises await us in November!
 No Garden session is over without a little bit of sampling and tasting what ever is on hand!
 Our wee native birds have also been enjoying the tasty treats on offer in our tamarillo trees...
The bottle garden we constructed this time last year is now engulfed by violas, waiting to burst into colour.
Now we just need those lettuce seeds we planted to grow, so they can spiral around our violas...

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