Tuesday 5 November 2013

Growth Viewing Window...

 Last Friday the sun came out again...time to get our "Growth Viewing Window" up and running...
A HUGE THANK YOU to Mr Allwiredup for the fantastic job reinforcing and hinging our window, its a HUGE hit!
 There was no shortage of willing helpers layering up the window...first some holes will drilled in the bottom sill for drainage, then a sand layer also for drainage, then a potting mix layer...
 ...then a layer of compost to watch break down over the next few weeks...
 ...then more potting mix, a layer of blood & bone, and some of our...
 Time for carrot, beetroot & radish seeds to join our kumara and potato.
 Look at all those wonderful sedimentary layers Garden Warriors!
What fun it is going to be to watching the worms weave their way through our layers, how long will it take them to completely mix our layers up?
How long will it take the fruit scraps to completely decompose?
Keep watching at the window...
 What else did we see through our Garden Window on Friday lunchtime?
Bottle garden nibblers...
 Colour harvesters...
 repairs & maintenance...
 ...power tools, everyone's favourite!
 Friday was actually a REALLY special day as we found out that we had made it into the final 3 of the Tui School Garden Challenge, Primary school section
...while COMPLETELY humbled to have been selected out of the 100+ schools, all of which have shown amazing creativity...we thought...
...lets just celebrate by planting some "Tall Poppy" seeds!

Well done Westport North Garden Warrior's, you really do flourish in this garden of your creation!

1 comment:

  1. Really impressive, all you warriors. Well done. What a fine example you are. I will show what you have done to students at my school, Te Karaka Area School.
