Wednesday 15 August 2012

Contented Warriors at work...

 Today's lunchtime garden session started with feeding Darth his first meal...
 ...down red lane! Darth has no trouble eating all his crusts!
 Our wonderful Garden Warriors settled into garden tasks all around the garden.
Exposed tamarillo roots were covered back up & protected from the Northerly wind (yes...funnily enough Westport actually faces North despite being on the West coast!).
 These magnificent Warriors were most delighted with their ENORMOUS weeds!
 This Bok Choy looks like its ready to find its way to Market on Friday...
Planted in mid-June its enjoyed the warm easterly these last couple of weeks!
 A time to sow: calendula, marigold, silver beet and spinach seeds snuggling down into these recycled polystyrene boxes (Thank you local restaurants for ordering fresh seafood)...
 Warriors working on their cable drum planter design they came up this space!
Tidying up around the bottle garden, chamomile went in around the base today. We can barely wait for our marigold, calendula and edible violas to grow so we can plant them spiralling around our bottles...roll on summer& the explosion of hot colour!

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