Wednesday 8 August 2012

The day Darth Vader took up residence...

 Today Darth Vader took up residence in The Westport North School Garden...
 ...a few minor adjustments were made....
 ...the dark Lord was surprisingly popular!
 He seemed quite happy to be installed in the new bottle garden, and looking forward to start digesting left over lunches!
 All our Garden warriors felt we needed a special tree on the summit of the new bottle garden...
 ...we have chosen a Delicious juicy nashi! We dug a nice wide hole and mixed some peat with our liquifudge to loosen it up, we also added some handfuls of sheep poop, blood and bone and fertiliser. Hopefully just the recipe to encourage our nashi to grow tall and strong.
So there you have it...our "Bottle Garden" with a Nashi on the summit under the protection of our composting "Darth Vader"...we look forward to growing some seedlings to plant it with.

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